Advantages of Getting a Boom Truck for Rent

Maxim Crane Boom Truck

Boom trucks are a valuable piece of the U.S. crane industry.  The demand for boom trucks has been on a steady rise, and innovation in the boom truck industry has soared. According to a 2019 Global Market Insights, Inc. report, the boom truck market is expected to surpass $3.5 billion by 2025. They are a favorite among crane customers because they are reliable and highly mobile. 

Modern boom trucks have greatly benefited from advancements in technology. They can carry heavier loads than before; some models can carry up to 54 tons. Their booms have become longer to enable their users to reach between 160 and 180 feet, or sometimes even further. Additional technologic advancements have increased the accuracy and precision of the trucks, giving the operator even more control during the lift.

Before getting into the advantages of renting a boom truck, here’s a quick primer on what boom trucks are and where they’re used.

What Is a Boom Truck?

A boom truck is a type of crane, typically mounted on a commercial truck chassis and has a rear-mounted boom crane to lift various loads. The crane is usually hydraulic with a winch to lift heavier loads. Most boom trucks also have a flatbed used for transporting equipment to and from the job site. Some trucks can include a personal hoist attachment to lift workers to inaccessible areas.

Boom trucks are a valuable tool for companies across many various industries, however some of the areas where boom trucks are most utilized include:

  • Construction (building and other structures)
    • They’re often used to transport materials and provide access for construction workers, among other things, to higher levels on the job site.
  • Utility Services
    • Power supply companies, fire and rescue operations, and other utility services often use boom trucks in their daily operations.
  • HVAC Companies
    • These companies may use boom trucks to transport heavy HVAC units or lift technicians to high levels that would typically be hard to reach.
Industries that frequently use boom trucks consturction utility and HVAC companies.

Common types of boom trucks include:

  • Boom trucks mounted over the rear axle
  • Tractor-mounted boom trucks on fifth wheel tractors
  • Boom trucks mounted on the rear of a flatbed truck
  • Booms mounted on a truck chassis

Telescopic boom trucks and articulating boom trucks are two specialized available boom types that offer additional reach for your project. Telescopic booms extend out in a straight line to offer great horizontal reach from 40 to 180 feet. Articulating booms have jointed sections to enable reach into areas that obstacles may block. These offer a bit less horizontal reach, between 30 and 160 feet.

Advantages of Renting a Boom Truck

There are advantages to both buying or renting a boom truck depending on your company and general project needs. Buying a boom crane is advisable if you consistently need this particular crane type, or if you find that you have to wait for a boom truck to be available, especially during busy construction seasons.

Some of the advantages of renting a boom truck include:

Reduce Costs to Your Business

Unless you’re looking to get into the construction industry or have an extensive pipeline of projects scheduled, you’ll save a lot of money by renting a boom truck. A boom can be a substantial financial burden, and it could take long before you see a return on your investment.

It’s usually less expensive to rent a boom truck than to own one. You don’t have to worry about your boom truck lying idle when demand declines, and if you rented on a operated basis you also don’t have to pay for its storage or maintenance and . Renting gives you peace of mind, especially when your company is going through unpredictable economic times.

You Can Take on Multiple Projects at Once

You may sometimes need to handle multiple jobs at one time. Many businesses don’t have the infrastructure to do multiple projects at once. You can use a boom truck for rent to supplement your business needs instead of having to wait to finish a project before you can start the next.

You could also choose to buy additional boom trucks to fill the gaps in your projects. However, boom trucks for rent are a more cost-effective solution to handle more projects if you don’t have the resources or projects forecasted to justify the purchase of new trucks.

Boom Trucks Are Flexible

Renting a boom truck gives you the ability to always select one that is suitable and most efficient for your project needs. When you purchase a boom truck, you may need to overbuy for the majority of your projects to handle the outlier lifts. For example, if you need to move heavier than normal equipment, you can get a boom truck rental that can handle it. Renting also ensures that you can choose the most current and up to date models available in the market.

Boom Trucks Are Very Mobile

Unlike cranes that need special transport considerations to your site, a boom truck drive like a regular truck. This means that it can move freely on public roads, enabling you to start your projects without the wait. Boom trucks can also travel at highway speeds, meaning that they can move between different sites quickly. When you search the internet for “boom truck service near me”, you can have a boom truck to your project site in no time.

Boom Trucks Can Help Transport Loads

Because boom trucks are fitted on a flatbed, they can also be used to transport other equipment, just like a flatbed truck. If a boom truck doesn’t have flatbed space, it often comes with storage space added.

In most cases, all of the tools you need are included in the rental agreement and are carried along with the boom truck. This helps operators store and carry all of the equipment they need without needing additional means of transportation.

Renting a Boom Truck Eliminates the Need for Insurance and an Operating License

Owning a boom truck means that you’ll have to hire and train your boom truck operators. You’ll also need to get certified by the government, as well as get insurance for your boom truck. All of these costs can add up and become a huge expense to your company.

If you’re looking to save money, renting is the way to go. You don’t have to get insurance for the truck or government certification, excluding bare rentals. Most boom truck rental companies also include licensed operators in the contract, thereby saving you the expense of finding your own operators.

Cost of Renting a Boom Truck

The cost of renting a boom truck depends on several factors. The size of the project, your location, and the contract length are part of will affect your overall costs. Some boom truck services also include operators with their trucks at an additional fee. This is often cheaper than having your operators trained and getting the required license and certification.

Ready to Rent?

Maxim Crane specializes in many kinds of lift equipment. We offer a wide range of boom trucks for rent to help you finish your project on time and within your budget.

There are over 70 Maxim Crane locations throughout the country, each well equipped to help with the full range of rental services, including transportation, management, and rigging. You can search “boom truck rentals near me,” or speak to one of our experts at Maxim Crane.

You can also browse our boom truck rental catalog to see which one is a perfect fit for your project.


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